Friday, May 31, 2013

Altitude and Attitude

Colorado Top 60 Camp took place last week in Greely, CO where the USA women's Rugby team was graciously hosted by the University of Northern Colorado. We played fantastic rugby, implemented a game plan that should surprise the French next month, learned a lot (maybe even too much) about our teammates, and ate tons of spinach. But seriously, we had spinach at every meal. I'm literally on spinach strike right now. Don't even say Popeye the sailor man to me.

The first game between the Stars and Stripes was rough. My team, the stars, got rocked by the stripes however, each time we took the field we got better and that's what it's about. We had a young team, much less experienced, and we never gave up. What this should tell the world is that the future of USA women's rugby is bright, and we will be very dangerous soon. Lots of young talent is making its  way to the pitch and its sure to be exciting.

Lastly, this camp helped serve as a vehicle to selecting the team that we will compete against France this June. 30 players will travel to Los Angeles to play a 3 game series against the Frenchies who 9
months ago beat the snot out of us. But this is our home soil, our turf, our fans, and our game. Welcome to America Bitches...

Sunday, May 5, 2013

It's Sunday and that can only mean one thing... Sunday skill session service brought to you directly from "Brother Steve". Pop Kicks and Grubbers, Pop Kicks and Grubbers, over and over and over and over again. 

"You can't get much done in life if you only work on the days when you feel good."
- Jerry West (Basketball player)