Sunday, March 31, 2013

Showing off the Goods

It's Sunday, March 31st and I am letting the world see my private... Blog that is. I've decided that the things I do should be shared, not like the backwash in a sport team's water bottle, but more like the inspirational motivating sharing that gets people off their ass and helping others.

 If anything, I hope that this informs my family of what I have actually been up to. The look on their faces when I try to explain my life tells me they actually have no clue what I do, but I can tell they care, A LOT.

For my friends this is one way to have a phone conversation... me doing most of the talking. I have lost touch with many of you and if you still want to know what's going on you can stay updated here.

For the rest of you... stop stalking me creepers. Just kidding, follow along and let's have a good time. I will be posting about important topics such as global warming, foreign policy, and immigration laws. NOT!! 
Even though they are all important topics you won't see them here. Be on the lookout for training videos, travel stories, recipes, and an inside look for what it takes to compete on a high level.


  1. Keep up the great work. Post some videos and pics!

  2. PS. The paypal link doesnt work. :(

  3. Hi John! The paypal link has been fixed! Thanks for the heads up!
